Do we live the Present or the Past? Is the Present real? Do we live events that have already happened

What makes us think that every moment we perceive is actually and objectively happening at the exact moment when our Consciousness becomes aware of it?

I open my eyes and an object appears in front of me. The image of that object is projected onto my retina which sends the signal to the brain which sets the synapses in motion and, at that precise moment, I become aware of that object.

How much time has passed? The latest studies tell us that the lowest time recorded for the visual perception of an object is 13 ms (13 milliseconds)

( MIT neuroscientists find the brain can identify images seen for as little as 13 milliseconds. )

Perception regarding the other senses may take longer.

Although it appears as extremely reduced latency, in reality for the perception of certain “realities” it is absolutely insufficient. 1 ms corresponds to 1 thousandth of a second (10−3). If we enter the quantities of quantum mechanics we will find ourselves in front of much smaller units of measurement: Microsecond (10−6 ), Nanosecond (10−9) … Yoctosecond (10−24) and finally Planck’s Time (5,391 × 10−44 s) which is the smallest time particle identified by quantum mechanics. In practice, Planck’s time would correspond to “Origin”.

13 ms, therefore, is actually an eternity.

To better understand, let’s imagine that the known Universe was formed with an explosion (metaphor widely used to represent the “Big Bang”). Now let’s take the explosion of a bomb as an example. If we represent the explosion of a bomb through our perception, it will take a split second. The problem, however, is the latency of our perception. If we recorded the explosion and then reproduced it in slow motion, we would see every detail of its dynamics. Billions of effects that we have not been able to observe. The nucleus ignites, the expansion of the material, piece by piece, until the end of the propulsive force and its expansive dynamics.

The explosion, therefore, takes place in a fraction of a second (time can be determined subjectively since time is not an objectively universal unit of measurement) and that fraction of a second is the “now”.

So if we wanted to consider the Big Bang as the explosion that created the Universe … the “now” could be the moment when the Big Bang takes place. The Earth could be one of the trillions of results of this “explosion” and our Consciousness is becoming aware of what has already happened with a temporal latency.

A little as if we perceived in slow motion what happened during the explosion.

Quantum mechanics also tells us that matter takes shape when the observer (Conscious Consciousness) through conscious and conscious observation causes the particles that make it up to collapse. In other words, the explosion (Big Bang) has already taken place and our Conscious Consciousness, every time it “observes”, perceives and shapes a part of it which, however, has already taken place.

For example, if we imagined ourselves in the middle of the bomb explosion (in the video), we, as observers, could “see” parts of the explosion, related only to what we observe and to our position. That explosion happened. We simply record the expansion of matter to which we shape each time we observe it (and we lose a lot of it) but we cannot change anything. We are simply observers who, through conscious observation, give shape to “subjective realities” that concern the phenomenon but the phenomenon has already happened.

For the simple fact that it is not possible to be able to demonstrate that we are nothing but “conscious consciousness” or a single “conscious consciousness” with different ego personalities, one cannot deny the fact that everything we perceive has already happened and, therefore, unalterable and simply “observable”.

This could be the reason why time is variable or why space, according to general relativity, is not absolute and for which, theoretically speaking, you could travel through time. In fact, time travel would simply change the observation point by moving closer to the Big Bang (“Planck Time) or moving away from it. 

In this way, we would confirm the fact of traveling within our Consciousness and of not having any possibility of interaction (if not illusory) with the external “Objective” Universe. We could simply observe it, as we observe a film, give it a “subjective form” and, at best, we could change the way we perceive it. Accepting it, denying it, rejecting it.

The superficial “search” to change things would be a simple waste of time. To use a metaphor it would be like watching a movie and looking for the reasons why a certain event occurred with the intention of being able to change it. Time would be better to use it to learn to accept events as they are and the fact that they cannot be changed as they have already happened.

The formation of the same Consciousness could be the “Fruit” of that “explosion” and one day X, even the same Consciousness and therefore the observer could disappear.

Our entire Existential Universe could simply be the spark of an “alien” cigar lighter. We could never understand who generated it for the simple reason that we would not have the time.

Photo Credits: Skeeze Geralt Broesis  – 

Photo Editing and Composition: Giorgio Lo Cicero

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