Covid 19 (Coronavirus): Medias Terrorism and Mass Manipulation

Before giving space to Coronavirus and what is happening in the world, it would be good to do a little general review and remember the past a little.
We forget too easily and this leads us to be manipulated with extreme simplicity.

An epidemic occurs every 5/6 years. Kind of like computer viruses and bugs. Fortunately (!!) there are companies that for moderate prices (!!) protect us from these viruses with their “electronic vaccines” (Antivirus). I also remember the Sim City simulation game. It seems that in a random way (?), the software, as happened with Sim City, creates problems and even epidemics such as to desertificate cities and, in some way, change economic balances. (Is Life a Videogame? )

Going back to what is happening now and waiting for some profit-making savior to produce a vaccine to stop the Coronavirus (now officially Covid-19) let’s try to remember what has happened in recent years.

The latest epidemics that come to mind are those of: Mad Cow (2000), Porcina (2009) Avian (2005). What was said about these epidemics? What was predicted?

I will use data for the USA (327 million inhabitants) and the United Kingdom (UK) (67 million inhabitants)

Mad Cow (2000) :

Mad Cow syndrome was supposed to decimate the population. It would have been the pandemic of the century …

From 2000 to 2017 there were 6529 deaths in the USA. That is to say an average of 363 deaths per year. (Source CDC 

In a letter to the British medical weekly The Lancet, the researchers said incidence of vCJD had been increasing by an average of 23 percent each year
since 1994, and deaths from the disease had risen by 33 percent each year since 1995.(Source)

“The absolute number of cases in the UK is still low, but this increase should be of concern, “they said. (Aug 4, 2000

The media emphasized and in the end the number of deaths was infinitely less than the deaths caused by alcohol or smoking or heart attacks or road accidents …

Birds Flu (2005) : 

What the UN said!
Bird flu pandemic ‘could kill 150m’
A global influenza pandemic is imminent and will kill up to 150 million people, the UN official in charge of coordinating the worldwide response
to an outbreak has warned. (The Guardian )
Alarmism and alarmism!
I remember that in 2006 I was in Thailand among chickens and various birds and nothing happened to me! 
What happened instead? Were there really 150 million deaths?
The WHO reports 97 cases and 53 deaths from bird flu in Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand since January 2004. April 2005 Vietnam reports a total of 60
laboratory-confirmed human cases of H5N1 avian flu since the outbreaks began, with 35 deaths. In USA by the middle of 2005, some 50 people had died from bird flu (

Porcina (2009) 

What was said about the Swine flu?

Swine flu: 65,000 deaths is UK’s worst case scenario
Up to 65,000 people in the UK could die from swine flu if the pandemic achieves it worst possible potential, the government warned today.
The chief medical officer, Professor Sir Liam Donaldson, said that in the worst case scenario 30% of the UK population could be infected by
the H1N1 virus, with 65,000 killed.. (The Guardian)
At of 10 August 2010, 28 deaths in Wales related to pandemic H1N1 (2009) had been recorded, 342 in England , 69 in Scotland, and 18 in Northern Ireland,
giving a UK total of 457)
The 2009 flu pandemic in the United States was a novel strain of the Influenza A/H1N1 virus, commonly referred to as “swine flu”,
that began in the spring of 2009. The virus had spread to the US from an outbreak in Mexico.
As of mid-March 2010, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated that about 59 million Americans contracted
the H1N1 virus, 265,000 were hospitalized as a result, and 12,000 died (0,0037% of total population) (Wikipedia
According to the US Centers for Disease and Control (CDC), approximately 2,600 people in the United States get meningococcal disease each year.
Between 10-15% of the people who develop the disease will die. Of those who survive, 10% of the people will have lingering symptoms such as deafness,
seizures or stroke (Fonte
Every year over 1 million1-3 people worldwide are affected by meningitis. Infection is by far the most common cause of meningitis and is caused
by many different germs: viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites. (fonte
Common Flu

In total, in USA, the CDC estimates that up to 42.9 million people got sick during the 2018-2019 flu season, 647,000 people were hospitalized and 61,200 died.
That’s fairly on par with a typical season, and well below the CDC’s 2017-2018 estimates of 48.8 million illnesses, 959,000 hospitalizations and
79,400 deaths


I wrote the title bigger to scare the world in the media style.

Discovered in December 2019 …

but how many deaths has it done so far 23 February 2020)? In USA 0 (ZERO), in Italy 2 (TWO!), Both 77 years old and one of the two victims lived alone! It is not known if they had other pathologies besides being old and, therefore, physically weaker!…

This, however, media terrorism has no interest in saying it.

In China we are 2300 dead. Considering that they do not have the same health facilities and that they have a population of 1 billion 386 million inhabitants, this is a paltry figure.

We are facing a mortality of 0.0002% of the population which is nothing for China! Just think of how many people die in factories from super work and bad working conditions!

Yet they do not close the factories, they do not quarantine them and the media hardly speak about it. Today, however, for Coronavirus, the media are once again making the race to the scoop … they want to create panic and you know … Media Terrorism and Panic make more victims of any epidemic.
Think of how many people die because of starving in the world, because of wars, civil weapons, social inequalities … but for these economic powers do not seek vaccines, rather they try to make them immune to any attack aimed at destroying them!
Mine is a simple invitation not to be manipulated. To understand that truth is subjective. We are invaded by “Giornalai” more than Journalists. They do not seek the truth … they seek the scoop and popular destabilization favors certain classes of power that take advantage of these psychological stress tests of the masses and thanks to them they manipulate and profit. 
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