
We are Slaves of the Ego and we create Egocentric Systems

I began to analyze Consciousness and somehow I defined it as “the attitude that makes us perceive the Universe and makes us feel different from it”. Consciousness, therefore, tends to separate us from “everything” and invests us with the characteristic of “uniqueness”. We perceive ourselves as unique beings and detached from the rest of the …

We are Slaves of the Ego and we create Egocentric Systems Read More »

Do we live the Present or the Past? Is the Present real? Do we live events that have already happened

What makes us think that every moment we perceive is actually and objectively happening at the exact moment when our Consciousness becomes aware of it? I open my eyes and an object appears in front of me. The image of that object is projected onto my retina which sends the signal to the brain which …

Do we live the Present or the Past? Is the Present real? Do we live events that have already happened Read More »

Consciousness creates matter. Can the alteration of Consciousness change human nature and the Universe surrounding it?

The Universe that we perceive (generically observe) is the result of conscious awareness. We are able to “observe” the “external” world only through the 5 senses. The moment we were deprived of the 5 senses we would not be able to perceive and, above all, transmit and communicate what we perceive/observe. Could we say we …

Consciousness creates matter. Can the alteration of Consciousness change human nature and the Universe surrounding it? Read More »

Origins of the Universe: the Useless Search

“If you try to understand the whole universe, you won’t understand anything. If you try to understand yourself, you will understand the whole universe.” (cit.) The “Desperate Search” of the “Origins” of the Universe is marked by an infinite number of theories which after a time are reviewed, changed, reconstructed. “The contradictions between predictions and …

Origins of the Universe: the Useless Search Read More »

We only travel within the Conscious Consciousness

“Reality is simply an illusion, although very persistent” (Albert Einstein) We like to imagine traveling in space …. crossing the solar system to the most distant galaxies. But what if this “journey” was simply done within our mind? If we reflect a little, everything we perceive seems to be a repetition of “patterns”. An atom, …

We only travel within the Conscious Consciousness Read More »

The universe is programmed. Life is Codified

What we perceive as “reality” is simply a process involving our Consciousness. Mathematics is the only “logical” language able to agree. We cannot define it as a “Universal” language as we have not had the opportunity to submit it to Alien beings from other galaxies. Moreover, it refers to the logic of human beings and …

The universe is programmed. Life is Codified Read More »